How to Recall the Elements of the Periodic Table.
A brilliant way to fall in love with your study topics.
Discover the easiest way to study difficult topics.
Don’t worry about distractions any more.
Multiply your learning speed with this method.
Never fear of forgetting anymore.
The memory trick that made me a Guinness world record holder.
If You’ve Checked One Or More Than One Boxes Above, Then My Friend You’re Welcome To The Masterclass,
This Masterclass Is Exactly For You, To Solve Your Problems!
I’m Aravind Pasupathy, your dedicated Coach and Memory Guru.
With a Guinness World Record under my belt, I’ve achieved a remarkable feat in memory training, memorizing 270 Binary Numbers in just one minute! I’m passionate about helping individuals like you tap into their true memory potential and excel in various aspects of life.
I have had the privilege of guiding over 35,000 students, unlocking their cognitive capabilities and enhancing their learning experiences.
My areas of expertise include Memory Training, Study Skills, Speed Reading, Exam Preparation, and Concentration Development. I firmly believe that “A Sharp Memory and Efficient Study Techniques can Empower you to Succeed in Every Endeavour.”
After enrolling in the course and completing the payment, you’ll be directed to a thank-you page.There, you’ll find the link to join our WhatsApp group. Additionally, an email will be sent to you containing the same group joining link.
The course will be conducted in straightforward English.
Absolutely! All sessions are conducted live. To join these sessions, simply check the WhatsApp group an hour before each session, where we’ll share the Zoom Joining Link.
No worries! If you miss a session, we’ve got you covered. After the session concludes, we’ll provide a Zoom recording link within the group. However, please note that this link will be active for only 24 hours, after which it will expire. Be aware that the last-day session will be exclusively live, and no recordings will be provided.
Though not mandatory, we highly recommend that at least one parent attends all three days of the session to gain the full benefits of the course, even if your child is in college. Parental attendance allows us to monitor the child’s progress and provides parents with effective memory-boosting techniques.
While the basic workshop covers various techniques to improve memory and learning, specific information like dates, numbers, formulae, and chemical equations may require advanced training beyond the scope of this workshop.
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